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Frequently Asked Questions
Can you ride your Percheron horses?Yes you can!! Percherons make great riding horses. They are gentle, willing learners. Strong spirited with a special disposition. If you need help getting your horse ride ready, contact us. We can help!
Do you cut your Percheron horses tails?We dock their tails when they are only a few weeks old by banning them with a tool that puts a rubber band tightly around the bone causing that part of the tail to fall off. It doesn’t hurt them at all.
How much hay do your Percheron horses eat?They eat (1) bale of hay a day per horse.
What is the biggest draft horse?#1 Percheron Belgian, Dutch Draft.
Are Percherons horses the strongest draft horse?#1 Belgian #5 Percherons
How big is (1) hand??1 hand = 4 inches
Is there an age requirement for lessons?5 years and older!
What should I bring to my first lesson?Helmets are required for lessons. We have a few onsite but a personal snug fitting helmet is always prefered. Gloves, especially in the colder months and a Camera!! We want to document all the fun you will be having! Closed toed shoes or boots/ long pants are preferred.
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